
Summer is almost here, and with travel restrictions easing, you may be planning long overdue vacations to visit family and friends abroad. While the excitement of travel can make it easy to focus only on the fun aspects of trip planning, preparing your home before you leave on vacation is key to ensuring a stress-free return home. These easy tips will potentially save you a lot of headaches and stress in the long run.

Clean your home before you go

While adding cleaning to your to-do list, on top of packing, can seem like a lot, consider it a gift to your future self. Nothing feels better than coming home to crisp sheets on your bed and a clean, fresh home. Keeping to your regular cleaning schedule before jetting off has an added bonus; giving your home a once-over before leaving allows you to easily spot anything that seems out of place on your return.

When cleaning before you leave, make sure to clear your dishwasher, and check the pipes for any leaks. Do the same in your bathroom and laundry room. Take it one step further by turning off the water supply in your home – usually located under a sink, or in your laundry area. Give the windows a check as well; making sure they are closed and secure. These extra precautions will ensure there are no unexpected surprises, or water damage, when you return.

Time to unplug

Before you go on vacation, make sure to unplug any unessential electronics that draw electricity while turned off, such as computers, televisions, and microwaves. It will not only lower your electrical bill, but also protect your electronics, and your home, from fire damage in case of a power surge while you’re away. Same goes for your furnace or air conditioning, adjust the temperature on the thermostat to a few degrees higher than normal (in summer) or a few degrees lower than normal (in winter). This will save money on your hydro bill by keeping your AC from running as often while no one is home.

If you have a porch or outdoor entrance, consider setting a few indoor lamps, with energy saving LED bulbs, on a timer to turn on and off at set times. This gives the illusion of someone being home and can deter potential intruders. Motion-activated LED lights on outside entryways to your home can also help to give the impression someone is there, even when you’re not, while still being easy on your bank account.

Check your property

Give the outside of your home a once over, making sure all gutters, eavestroughs and downspouts are in good working condition, clear of blockages and pointing away from your home. If you have a sump pump, check to ensure it’s working properly in the event of heavy rain, so your basement stays dry. Trim hedges, bushes or branches that are close to windows, to give unobstructed views of your home from the street. That way, if someone attempts to enter your home by breaking a window, they will be easily spotted.

Ask your neighbours to help out

Ask a neighbour to collect your mail, and if you plan to be away for longer than a few weeks, to take care of your lawn as well. Give them a spare key so they can check the inside your home, and your contact information so they can reach you if needed.

Before leaving for your trip, give them a tour of your space, showing them where the fire extinguisher, circuit breaker, and water shut offs are located. Great neighbours are gold; make sure you show your appreciation by bringing them back a gift from your vacation!

Keep live trip updates off social media

As tempting as it is to share your travels online, if your posts are public, you are broadcasting to potential intruders that your home is vacant. Set your social media to private, turn off geo-tagging, and share your status updates with trusted friends only. You may also want to wait to share your photos and videos until you get back.

The last thing you want to do while relaxing on the beach, or exploring a new city, is worry about what may be happening at home. By taking some time before you leave to prepare your home, you’ll be able to enjoy your vacation knowing your home is secure.

If something does happen, and your home needs disaster restoration services, DKI – Rocky Cross Construction  is there, offering restoration services for disasters caused by impact, fire, flood, sewage, asbestos, and mould. No matter what caused the disaster, our teams of compassionate professionals in Lethbridge, Brooks and Medicine Hat will take the stress out of the situation, assess the damage restore your home to its pre-loss condition quickly and efficiently.