
Worker sweeping leaves from roof spring maintenance

Spring is finally here and with the changing of the season it’s time to do some home maintenance. Spring is the perfect time to assess any damage your home might have received over the winter and get ready to open windows and turn on the air conditioning for the hot summer months ahead. With so many potential projects to pick from, where should you start? Here are our top picks for springtime maintenance projects.

Clean gutters and downspouts

After a winter of ice and snow your gutters have probably accumulated debris, and maybe sustained some minor damage. Start off by doing a perimeter check from the ground to make sure nothing has come loose or detached from the house. After you’ve assessed from the ground it’s time to get out the ladder and check for any clogs in the gutters. It’s a good idea to also checking the flow and positioning of downspouts to make sure that water is making its way out and away from your home.

Check your foundation

Once all the snow has melted, do a thorough check of your home’s foundation for cracks that may have been caused by the temperature changes. Cracks in the foundation, walkway and patios can cause water to get inside your house, leading to a potentially expensive and disastrous problem. If you find a crack, get it filled right away and save yourself from water damage after the spring rain. It’s also a great time to check the inclines on your patio and walkways to ensure they are sloping away from your home to avoid water pooling near the foundation.

Repair your doors and windows

Just like cracks in the foundation of a house, gaps between doors and windows can let water, wind and insects inside. Inspect all your windows and doors for cracks, scraping off any old caulking and replacing it with new stuff. It’s also a good time to check your windowsills and wood trim for signs of decay, and repair or replace it as needed. Making sure your windows and doors are in top shape will not only prevent water, wind and insects from getting in, it will also help with your energy bills!

Schedule air conditioning maintenance

If you live in a home with an air conditioner, it’s time to schedule annual maintenance. Hot weather is just around the corner and you want your home to be ready. Getting your air conditioner checked and serviced before you start using it every day will keep it in top condition and ready to keep you cool all summer long!

Inspect your roof

Of course, we can’t forget about the roof! Start your inspection from the ground, checking to see if you can spot any damage of loss of shingles or roofing material. If you’re comfortable on a ladder, also check from above keep an eye on If your you have any buckled, cracked, or loose shingles or roofing material that will also need to be replaced. Don’t forget to inspect the plumbing vents, skylights and chimneys inside and out.

Spring cleaning can seem like a big job, and not everyone is comfortable, or knowledgeable enough, to do the maintenance themselves. If you’re unsure, or uncomfortable, make sure to hire a professional to help you out. Good spring maintenance now can prevent disaster later.