
Whether you are dealing with broken pipes, sewer backups, flooded basements, or water damage after a fire here’s what the cleanup process will look like:

Flooded living room

Take safety precautions

The main priority after a flood is making sure you and your family are safe. If you can, turn off the electricity in the affected areas immediately. If it’s not safe to do so, call a professional electrician to help. In the meantime, stay out of any rooms with water damage to the ceiling and don’t use electronics around wet areas.

Call your insurance provider and restoration company

Once you and your family is safe, it’s time to start the restoration process by calling a trusted restoration company, like RCC DKI, and your homeowners’ insurance. Coverage will differ depending on your policy, and the insurance company will work with us to send over an adjuster and assess the damage. Once the work to be completed and coverage is determined, the job can begin.

Dry your home

Standing water can drain away on its own, but more severe cases may require pumping, your restoration company will help you with this. Once the water is removed, your restoration provider will begin a thorough drying process of your home and belongings to prevent further damage. To get the area dry quickly, RCC DKI in Lethbridge, Medicine Hat and Brooks, uses the latest technology and a combination of industrial dryers, and desiccant and LGR de-humidification so you can get back to normal sooner.

Identify mould

Mould begins to develop within 24 hours of a flood, and it can be difficult to spot in the early stages if it’s hiding behind walls or under carpets. Once mould has developed it will spread quickly, which is why hiring professionals who are trained and certified in mould remediation and removal are key to ensuring your property is safe to return to after the restoration process is complete. Our RCC DKI’s mould remediation and removal services are quick and efficient, interrupting your life as little as possible.

Determine what can be saved or needs to be replaced

Though it may feel like everything is lost after water damage, many things, like your furniture, electronics and art, can be restored or repaired. However, some things will need to be replaced. But how do you know what can be saved and what can’t be? That’s where we come in. Our team will help you figure out what can be restored, and what needs to be tossed. We do all we can to make sure we save as much as possible, but if it can’t be, we will take care of disposing of it for you.

It may seem like a lot to deal with, but when you are working with the water restoration experts at RCC DKI, you can be sure the job will get done quickly and thoroughly. Our experienced teams manage your water damage restoration project from start to finish so you have less to worry about. If you have water damage in Brooks, Lethbridge or Medicine Hat, call us today and find out how we can help.